Thursday, August 28, 2014

End of summer and ANOTHER new beginning

Honestly, it feels like we survived summer. There were a lot of ups and downs that we worked through. We had a great vacation and we continued to adjust to a new city and a new way of family life that comes with a baby. On August 25th both Chloe and Allie started new chapters in their education journey. For the first time in 8 yrs no one in our house is in elementary. Chloe started High school & Allie has started Middle School. 

Chloe wants little help from me and is very independent. I can see Allie headed that way but there are still glimpses of the young girl. She still likes hearted-shaped PB&Js 

& still needs me at times. The young adolescent girl has started using face wash, has started straightening her hair, & is feeling self-conscious about changing in gym class. 

They both had a good first day. Allie's electives are choir and gym. In her other classes, she is in advanced classes and LOVES school and homework. Chloe's electives are Spanish, gym, & audio visual film. Chloe has had a rough few days since the first day. She only knows one person in one of her classes. It's so hard to watch her hurt. The fixer in me wants to make her see all the good like that one friend, she has friends to eat lunch with, & she has a ton of friends at church but I am trying just to empathize and sympathize with her pain. So, today I am praying extra hard for God to send her a friend and to lift the cloud and loneliness and sadness that seems to be following her around like the cloud that follows Eor. 

Emilia and I are adjusting to our new schedule. She is big enough now to sit in the high hair and watch me make breakfast. 

Then she takes a morning nap after everyone is off to school & work. Then we do a revolving schedule of eat, play, & nap until time to go get big sisters from school. The other day I was able to catch this precious after school moment. 

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